Category: Sweetland Novels

Main category for Sweetland.

Jessie Larivee

Jessie is a main protaganist in the Sweetland Quartet. She was born in Portland, Oregon in 2024 to Joe Larivee and Jolene Cheng. — Family: Parents: Achievement:

Joe Larivee

Joe Larivee is a main protagonist and appears in all four novels.

Joey Larivee-Boulé

Joey Larivee-Boulé Son of Jessie Larivee and nephew of Molly Whitedeer, Joey appears in books two and three of the Sweetland Quartet. — Family: Parents: Achievement:

Jolene Cheng

Jolene is a primary antagonist in the novels. She is the former spouse of Joe Larivee, and the mother of Jessie Larivee. — Family: Parents: Achievement: Back to Index

Jovijh roh Djeneh

Also known as: Brother Bernard. Jovijh is a Guardian from nar Anjahr, a pivitol character in Degrees of Freedom. He is a son of the powerful roh Djeneh family, trained at the Academy in Rocon, Moornal. He was once a partner to fellow Anjahri, Mojhdleh roh Sejh and Ren nar Kahj. — Family: Parents: Achievement: Back to Index

Kahjeh roh Djeneh

Kahjeh is a Guardian from nar Anjahr, a pivitol character in Degrees of Freedom. He is a son of the powerful roh Djeneh family, trained in Observation Sciences at the Diplomatic Academy in Rocon, Moornal, following in the footsteps of his brother, Jovijh roh Djeneh. Brother Althus Under his Temple name, Brother Althus, Kahjeh has become a major strategic advisor to Jolene Cheng. Back to Index

Lake Adan’dohi

Encyclopedia of the Convergence Lake Adandohi A large mountain lake at the base of Mt. Ayeheli in the Great Forest of Sweetland. Entity-type:

Maige Roget

Encyclopedia of the Convergence Maige Roget Maige is a close friend of Molly Whitedeer and Raoul Adair. She is a secondary character in Degrees of Freedom (and will likely play a role in the final novel). — Family: Parents: Achievement:

Marta Ibanez

Dr. Marta Ibanez She is the mother of Concilio Chair, Felicia Ibanez. Bio: Birth: Death: Parents: Partner: Children: Education:

Matt Dillon

Encyclopedia of the Convergence Matt Dillon’s police career began with the FBI, where he was stationed in Portland, Oregon at the time of the First Continental War. As a lieutenant of Jolene Cheng, he migrated with her to Torzucan (Sweetland), where he became the sheriff at Law and Order.

Meadow Springs

Meadow Springs is a small village in the upper settlements of the Communities of Sweetland. Type: People: Description: Stats:

Melissa Monroe

Mel Monroe is an important character and appears in all four novels. She was Jessie Larivee’s best friend on Earth. In 2055, she is a colleague of Joe Larivee. — Family: Parents: Achievement: Back to Index

Michel Larivee-Boulé

Michel Larivee-Boulé is the spouse of Jessie Larivee. He is a electrical/electronics engineer working to complete the communication grid for the Communities. — Partner: Family: Parents: Achievement:


Midian Midian is a Mormon nation-state. Its capital is Salt Lake City.


The centrists of the Convergence profess moderation in all things. They claim neutrality and respect for all parties, which usually supports the status quo. They are “realists” and dismiss idealism as counter-productive. Many functionaries of the Authority are Moderationists by nature. — Type: Who: Where: When:

Mojhdleh roh Sejh

Mojhdleh roh Sejh From nar Anjahr, Mojhdleh roh Sejh is an Inspector for the Authority, the governing body of The Convergence. Along with Jovijh roh Djeneh and Ren nar Qadj, he studied Observation and Police Sciences at the Diplomatic Academy in Rocon. The three of them had an taboo romantic relationships while in college, which resulted in disgrace, and the suicide of his creche partner and the death of their children.

Molly Whitedeer

Born in Meadow Springs, the Communities of Sweetland, in Y-3. She is a precoscious reader and has consumed all of the books from Earth available in the village library. The Sweetland Quartet Molly is a main character in the Sweetland Quartet, although she does not appear in Skyrmion. At the beginning of Degrees of Freedom she is 13-years-old, and at the end of the quartet, she is 17.


A very urban, heavily populated world. Like nar Anjahr, one of the oldest worlds in the Convergence. It’s capitol city of Rocon is center of the Authority, a sort of United Nations of the Convergence. It’s original people are the Ysal. Description: