Humani Planets
The major planets of the Humani (Human) universe are: Earth and Serein. They are located in Unity-7, or the Eighth Root, according to mythology.
The major planet of the Human people, population about 9 billion. Earth has recently reconnected to The Memories.
Another lost planet connected to Earth by the Memories, according to legend. Like Earth, Serein was severed from the Convergence prior to the Time of Forgetting.
Outer Planets of the Humans
Outer Worlds are unknown.
See also: Planets of the Convergence (chart)

Humani Planets
- Humans or Ert
- Unity-7, the Eighth Root
- Primary: Earth
- Secondary: Serein
- Outer Planets: unknown
- Role in Sweetland Quartet: The Earth is on trial by the Convergence.