Puget Sound
Duane Poncy & Patricia J McLean
official authors website
Main category for Sweetland.
The major planets of the Qrei universe are: Naxqrei, Sundqrei, and Rixqrei. They are located in Unity-3, or the Fourth Root, according to mythology. They are an aristocratic system, allied with the Anjahri. Naxqrei The second home of the Qrei, whose original world was destroyed in a nova. Naxqrei (New Home) is considerably younger than the other old worlds of The Convergence. Conservative in their approach, the Qrei are very inquisitive and open-minded, often allying with the Omi. Despite their conservatism, the Qrei produce the most radical Mutualists. Sundqrei Rixqrei Outer Planets of the Qrei Outer Worlds are Qreixal, Naxal, Wixal See also: Planets of the Convergence (chart) Return to Index
Quebec Republic Popularly known as Quebec, the Quebec Republic was founded in 2047 after a short War of Succession from Canada, It encompasses the former provinces of eastern Canada and the New England states of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. See: Map of North America, 2055
Encyclopedia of the Convergence Raoul Adair is a close friend of Molly Whitedeer and Maige Roget. He is a secondary character in Degrees of Freedom (and will likely play a role in the final novel). — Family: Achievement: Role in Sweetland:
Encyclopedia of the Convergence Ren nar Qadj Also Known as Sister Barbelo. From nar Anjahr, once a partner and romantic interest to Mojhdleh roh Sejh and Jovijh roh Djeneh. A colleague at The Academy, she vanished and resurfaced on Earth years later as Sister Barbelo. See Also: — Family: Parents: Achievement:
Encyclopedia of the Convergence Richard Miglia, CEO New America Corporation The bad guy.
A river in New America Territory. [Stub]
Joe Larivee’s old friend, currently the Minister of State Affairs for Free Cascadia. Return to Index
Encyclopedia of the Convergence Sangre del Corazon The capital city of The Communities of Sweetland. Refugee City A neighborhood of Sangre del Corazon inhabited by refugees of the New America invasion.
A disease caused by the technology used to transport humans to Sweetland. Type: Who: Where: When: What:
Sean O’Connell runs a pub called The Penny Whistle, in the Irish Town neighborhood of south Sangre del Corazon. He was born in Sonoma, California, and moved with his parents to Belfast, Ireland at the age of twelve. — Family: Return to Index
The Second Continental War began in late 2044, when tensions exploded between the newly formed entities created after the first war. It lasted for 2 years, until December 2046, when a truce was negotiated by mediator Joe Larivee of the Republic of Free Cascadia. The talks took place in the neutral, independent Free City, newly formed in what was Greater Saint Louis. The two continental wars in North America reconfigured the nations of the continent between 2038 and 2046. See map, North America, 2055.
Encyclopedia of the Convergence Sister Barbelo Also known as Ren nar Qadj Sister Barbelo is the Temple name of Ren nar Qadj, affiliated with the Society of Mutuality, she is one of the first Mutualists to arrive on Earth and a founder The Temple of New Life, Aka:
Encyclopedia of the Convergence Sister Cordelia Sister Cordelia is a Sophia from Sangre del Corazon, and belongs to the Order, Sisters of Light (SOL), one of the most conservative orders of The Temple. She is from Keefnaz, one of the Omi Planets. A citizen of The Convergence, who secretly belongs to the fanatic sect, Children of Ertfiil. Aka: Mishnal Alm
Sister Korinna is a Teacher at Sainte-Magdalene Convent. She is a Templar who is recruited to the cause of The Mutualists. — Family: Return to Index
Encyclopedia of the Convergence Sister Luz Sister Luz is a member of the Order of Eve (Teacher) in Sangre del Corazon. She is associated with the Mutualists. She is a spoke on The Concilio, and a colleague of Jessie Larivee. Sister Luz was born, Rowan O’Connell, in Sonoma, California. Her younger brother, Sean O’Connell, immigrated to Sweetland with her in 2038.
Sister Magda is head Sophia from Esperanza. — Family: Return to Index