Pe’wan’skiili Planets
The major planets of the Pe’wan’skiili universe are: Mahdiil and Gurmahdiil. They are located in Unity-5, or the Sixth Root, according to mythology.
Home of Aeiroh Juola, Mahdiil is also a very old world, densely populated, but newer to the Convergence than the others. Culturally, its people tend to be shy and inquisitive. It is an intellectual center and a major hub of the Convergence. It tends to produce a lot of Travelers. The Pe’wan’skiili (the people) are the original inhabitants.
The smaller of the two major Pe’wan’skiili planets, Gurmahdiil is urban and is home to many diplomats and bureaucrats in the Convergence.
Outer Planets of the Pe’wan’skiili
Outer Worlds are Li Skiili, Rangel.
See also: Planets of the Convergence (chart)

Pe'wan'skiili Planets
- Root: Unity-5
- Primary: Mahdiil
- Secondary: Gurmahdiil
- Outer Planets: Li Skiili, Rangel
- Role in Sweetland Quartet: