Category: Convergence Places

Anjahri Planets

The major planets of the Anjahri universe are: nar Anjahr and Laas. They are located in Unity-2, or the Third Root, according to mythology. nar Anjahr Nar Anjahr is a planet in Unity-2 (U2). It is one of the six inner planets of the Convergence, and one of the early worlds to emerge from the Time of Forgetting. nar Anjahr (lit: of the Creche of the Mother) is a world in the Convergence, one of the oldest, where many old powerful families originated. It is a temperate planet circling a yellow M-class star, about 15% larger than Earth. Because of its conservative, aristocratic nature, it is the home of many of the Guardians. Laas Laas is a poorer sibling of the Anjahri culture. It is smaller than nar Anjahr, and circles a red dwarf. Outer Planets of the Anjahri Outer Worlds are Laasent, Blan, and Dorf. These planets are at the…


Ertfiil is a desert planet which contains the so-called “Mother Root” of The Memories. According to mythology, it is the First Root. It’s universe is officially designated Unity-0. Except for Society of Mutuality research facilities, it is uninhabited. Return to Index

Humani Planets

The major planets of the Humani (Human) universe are: Earth and Serein. They are located in Unity-7, or the Eighth Root, according to mythology. Earth The major planet of the Human people, population about 9 billion. Earth has recently reconnected to The Memories. Serein Another lost planet connected to Earth by the Memories, according to legend. Like Earth, Serein was severed from the Convergence prior to the Time of Forgetting. Outer Planets of the Humans Outer Worlds are unknown. See also: Planets of the Convergence (chart) Return to Index


A very urban, heavily populated world. Like nar Anjahr, one of the oldest worlds in the Convergence. It’s capitol city of Rocon is center of the Authority, a sort of United Nations of the Convergence. It’s original people are the Ysal. Description:

nar Anjahr

One of the six primary worlds of The Convergence. Description: nar Anjahr (lit: of the Creche of the Mother) is a world in The Convergence, one of the oldest, where many old powerful families originated. It is a temperate planet circling a yellow M-class star, about 15% larger than Earth. Because of its conservative, aristocratic nature, it is the home of many of the Guardians. Like Earth, it is a water world, about 65% ocean. The land is diverse and abundant with a slightly larger temperate zone than Earth. Much of the land has been terraformed, and there are many large cities. The polity and economy are fairly democratic, but there are ancient aristocratic families who cling to old privileged entitlements. The House of Djeneh (nar Djeneh) is one of the most powerful of these. A very conservative, aristocratic world. Family structure is matrilineal and based on polyamorous creches where…

Omi Planets

The major planets of the Omi universe are: Cyz, Keefnaz, Ryzan. Omi planets are in Unity-6, or the Seventh Root, according to mythology. Cyz Along with Moornal and nar Anjahr, one of the three oldest planets of the Convergence. Its largest city is its capital, Gahnu. Much more liberal than the other two, Cyz is said to be where the radical Mutualists originated. These three worlds are rivals and produce many of the leaders of the Authority, coloring its complexion. Original people are the Omi. Ryzan Ryzan is the home world of Dr Gahneer Va. It is the origin place of the Society of Mutuality, and the scientific institutions that are the most technologically advanced in the Convergence. It’s capital city is Guiaznar. Keefnaz The smallest of the major Omi planets, Keefnaz is home to several prominent figures in the Authority. Outer Planets of the Omi Outer Worlds are Torzucan, Pizucan, and…

Pe’wan’skiili Planets

The major planets of the Pe’wan’skiili universe are: Mahdiil and Gurmahdiil. They are located in Unity-5, or the Sixth Root, according to mythology. Mahdiil Home of Aeiroh Juola, Mahdiil is also a very old world, densely populated, but newer to the Convergence than the others. Culturally, its people tend to be shy and inquisitive. It is an intellectual center and a major hub of the Convergence.  It tends to produce a lot of Travelers. The Pe’wan’skiili (the people) are the original inhabitants. Gurmahdiil The smaller of the two major Pe’wan’skiili planets, Gurmahdiil is urban and is home to many diplomats and bureaucrats in the Convergence. Outer Planets of the Pe’wan’skiili Outer Worlds are Li Skiili, Rangel. See also: Planets of the Convergence (chart) Return to Index

Qrei Planets

The major planets of the Qrei universe are: Naxqrei, Sundqrei, and Rixqrei. They are located in Unity-3, or the Fourth Root, according to mythology. They are an aristocratic system, allied with the Anjahri. Naxqrei The second home of the Qrei, whose original world was destroyed in a nova. Naxqrei (New Home) is considerably younger than the other old worlds of The Convergence. Conservative in their approach, the Qrei are very inquisitive and open-minded, often allying with the Omi. Despite their conservatism, the Qrei produce the most radical Mutualists. Sundqrei Rixqrei Outer Planets of the Qrei Outer Worlds are Qreixal, Naxal, Wixal See also: Planets of the Convergence (chart) Return to Index

Tongrari Planets

The major planets of the Tongrari universe are: Tongra and Barrash. They are located in Unity-4, or the Fifth Root, according to mythology. A very conservative people, usually allied with the Qrei and the Anjahri. Tongra One of the more conservative—some would say reactionary—worlds of The Convergence. Along with nar Anjahr, it is the origin of many Guardians. It’s people are the Tongrari.  Barrash Barrash is a larger, tropical world. Heavily populated. Outer Planets of the Tangrari Outer Worlds are Knesh, Gyö. See also: Planets of the Convergence (chart) Return to Index


Also know as Sweetland. A planet on the periphery of The Convergence. Recently settled by humans, it is located in the universe designated, Unity-7, or Root 7 by the mystics. See Convergence. Where: Principle: Demographics: Description: Return to Index

Ysali Planets

The major planets of the Ysali universe are: Ysal, Moornal, and Yaanaan . Populated by the Ysal people, they are located in the Unity-1, or the Second Root, according to mythology. The Ysali are among the more socially liberal systems. Moornal A very urban, heavily populated world. Like nar Anjahr, one of the oldest worlds in the Convergence. It’s capitol city of Rocon is center of the Authority, a sort of United Nations of the Convergence. It’s original people are the Ysal, and it is their primary home. Yaanaan The smallest of the major Ysal planets, Yaanaan is urban and is connected to Torzucan via the outer world of Vizucan. Ysal The planet Ysal is the last of the Ysali worlds to be settled. While physically larger than Yaanaan, it is more agricultural. Outer Planets of the Ysali Outer Worlds are Kip, Shondeu. See also: Planets of the Convergence (chart) Return…