Anjahri Planets
The major planets of the Anjahri universe are: nar Anjahr and Laas. They are located in Unity-2, or the Third Root, according to mythology.
nar Anjahr
Nar Anjahr is a planet in Unity-2 (U2). It is one of the six inner planets of the Convergence, and one of the early worlds to emerge from the Time of Forgetting. nar Anjahr (lit: of the Creche of the Mother) is a world in the Convergence, one of the oldest, where many old powerful families originated. It is a temperate planet circling a yellow M-class star, about 15% larger than Earth. Because of its conservative, aristocratic nature, it is the home of many of the Guardians.
Laas is a poorer sibling of the Anjahri culture. It is smaller than nar Anjahr, and circles a red dwarf.
Outer Planets of the Anjahri
Outer Worlds are Laasent, Blan, and Dorf. These planets are at the center of the Outer Alliance.
See also: Planets of the Convergence (chart)

Anjahri Planets
- Root: Unity-2
- Primary: nar Anjahr
- Secondary: Laas
- Outer Planets: Laasent, Blan, Dorf
- Role in Sweetland Quartet: Home of Mojhdleh, Jovijh, Kahjeh, and Ren