Old Paiute Pub and Brewery
Type of Organization: Primary: Address: Description:
Duane Poncy & Patricia J McLean
official authors website
Civic and business groups
Type of Organization: Primary: Address: Description:
First appearing in Portland, Oregon in the early 1994 as a local embodiment of the international Zapatista Movement, Planet Resist emerged as a self-styled anarcho-indigenous organization. Its tenets are direct democracy, individual self-rule, social action, and preservation of the Earth. Who Are We? We are all who agree with our principles. We do not require a membership or a loyalty oath. We do not require that you live here, or that you even acknowledge us. Planet Resist is an idea. We are everywhere! Seven Positive Principles of Planet Resist See Also: our EcoSurvival Village page for more details. Go to Germaine Index
Red Nation Enterprises was founded in 1996 by
The Reject Army of Poetry, or RAP, is a self-described anarcho-zapitista organization, headquarted in the foothills of the Ochocos, north of Germaine, Oregon, where they have erected a village they call The Compound, a collection of a half-dozen cob cottages, near the old Van Bibber Mill on Dead Mule Butte. Many of their members live there, although they purportedly have hundreds of others living in Portland and other cities of the Pacific Northwest. Roots of the RAP The Inspiration for the Reject Army of Poetry began in the hills and jungles of Chiapas, Mexico, where a small group of guerillas, inspired by the Zapatista Movement and SubCommandante Marcos, decided to reject armed conflict in favor of poetry and art, while maintaining a goal of total revolutionary change. This group was mainly consisted of teachers, students, and artists from around the world who had exiled themselves in southern Mexico. One group…
An anarchist community associated with EcoSurvival Village, but seperate from it.
The Germaine Coffeehouse and Cyber Café is
The Germaine Truth is the premier newspaper for Germaine, Oregon and Wilbur, County.
Run by the Daughters of Germaine.
Where men are men, the liquor’s hard, and cowboy boots are required attire.
Wilbur County is a small county in Oregon. The county seat is Germaine, Oregon. Incorporated Towns in Wilbur County Unincorporated Towns Go to Germaine Index
Wilbur County Cherokees is an organization of Cherokee Nation citizens living in the county. It was founded in 1995 by Willie Walkingstick and Tsalagi Red.
Wilbur County Feed and Seed has been an institution since 1885. It’s current building, however, was erected in 1958, when the original became too small to accomodate the county’s growing agricultural sector. Type of Organization: Primary: Address: Description:
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No one knows when the Wilbur County Yacht Club came into existance, not even Donnie Wicker, who owns the craft, which is half-buried in the sand behind the old Wicker place. Donnie began meeting there with a group of friends a few years after he returned to Germaine from college. How did the boat get there? That would be Donnie’s father, who brought it over from the coast, years ago. He had an uncle who was a fisherman in Newport in the Great Depression years, and Donnie figures it might be the origin of the boat. But why? Donnie says his dad had strange ideas about a great tide that would one day come and carry him and his family away.