
    Pizucan is a tertiary Omi world, inhabited by the San-Omi, who are shorter and darker skinned that the Vis-Omi. They are the original inhabitants of Cyz, Ryzan, Torzucan, Pizucan, and Vizucan. Pizucan is a heavily forested planet, with about a billion inhabitants.


    Pizucani are culturally Omi.


    • Where: 7th Root (Omi)
    • Principle:
    • Description: Pizucan is a tertiary Omi world, inhabited by the San-Omi, who are shorter and darker skinned that the Vis-Omi. They are the original inhabitants of Cyz, Ryzan, Torzucan, Pizucan, and Vizucan. Pizucan is a heavily forested planet, with about a billion inhabitants. Located in the 7th Root (Unity 7).

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