The Unfortunate Incident
The Unfortunate Incident, a phrase used by Howard Applegate in The Germaine Truth, refers to the sudden disappearance of the Arlingtons, owners of the Restin’ Easy motel in the fall of 2004.
Duane Poncy & Patricia J McLean
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The Unfortunate Incident, a phrase used by Howard Applegate in The Germaine Truth, refers to the sudden disappearance of the Arlingtons, owners of the Restin’ Easy motel in the fall of 2004.
There are many stories in Germaine about the wagon train that left Saint Louis for Oregon.
An On-Air Personality for Radio Germaine, Tsalagi Red is a pseudonym belonging to an individual who wishes to remain anonymous, as has his on-air co-host, PattyJo Mac.
Wanted as a Venezualan Terrorist
Little Germaine Van Bibber was born in 1838 to Isaac Josef VanBibber and Anaïs Charlebois. She is popularly known as simply Little Germaine. As she lay dying in a grotto in 1848, her visions of peace and harmony with nature, relayed to her by the Old Paiute, became the founding principals of the new town of Germaine, Oregon. This Article References: Van Bibber, Isaac Josef, Charlebois, Anaïs, Diary of Little Germaine Birthplace: Parents: Partner: Children: Achievement:
Isaac Van Bibber
Vanessa Van Bibber is the daughter of Isaac Van Bibber and Germaine LaPlante. She is the Grande Matron of the Daughters of Germaine.
Willie Walkingstick was elected Mayor of Germaine, Oregon in 2006, at age 33, the youngest person every elected to the position. More suprising to long time observers of Wilbur County politics, Walkingstick is a relative newcomer to the community. Walkingstick, an Agricultural Ecologist moved to Germaine in 1995, when he was hired by the fledgling McCoy Industries to do an environmental efficiency study for the business. Walkingstick fell in love with Wilbur County, where he met Marissa Charlebois-LaPlante, daughter of the town’s librarian. They were married on 1 May 1999. The couple operate the Charlebois Hot Springs Resort, about 15 miles west of town. They have a daughter, Century June, born in 2000. It is tempting to say Walkingstick was a rabble-rouser in his early days, but many in Wilbur County consider him still a controversial figure. In 2002, he and Tsalagi Red, a Radio Germaine personality, filed charges against…
Wilbur County is a small county in Oregon. The county seat is Germaine, Oregon. Incorporated Towns in Wilbur County Unincorporated Towns Go to Germaine Index
Wilbur County Cherokees is an organization of Cherokee Nation citizens living in the county. It was founded in 1995 by Willie Walkingstick and Tsalagi Red.
Wilbur County Feed and Seed has been an institution since 1885. It’s current building, however, was erected in 1958, when the original became too small to accomodate the county’s growing agricultural sector. Type of Organization: Primary: Address: Description:
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No one knows when the Wilbur County Yacht Club came into existance, not even Donnie Wicker, who owns the craft, which is half-buried in the sand behind the old Wicker place. Donnie began meeting there with a group of friends a few years after he returned to Germaine from college. How did the boat get there? That would be Donnie’s father, who brought it over from the coast, years ago. He had an uncle who was a fisherman in Newport in the Great Depression years, and Donnie figures it might be the origin of the boat. But why? Donnie says his dad had strange ideas about a great tide that would one day come and carry him and his family away.
Is the Wild Man of the Ochocos real? Or is he a mythical bogie indigenous to Wilbur County. There is evidence both ways