Category: The Germaine Truth

Main category for the Germaine Wiki

Hedrick, Truman

Truman Hedrick is the former Mayor of Germaine, serving three terms, from 1994 to 2006. He taught History and Social Studies for many years at Old Paiute High School before retiring in 1992 to run for Mayor. Truman Hedrick Birth: 1949 Death: living Parents: Hedrick and

Indian Bluffs

The small town of Indian Bluffs is located at the junction of Old Paiute Road and Indian Bluffs Road, in northern Wilbur County. Back to Places Index | Back to Main Index

LaFontaine, Charles

Charles Sevigny LaFontaine was a twenty-two-year-old traveling musician, back from World War II in 1947, when he decided to see the country he had fought for. He first arrived in Germaine in June of that year, too low on funds to make it to San Francisco, his destination. He checked into the Restin’ Easy motel with the aim of playing his sax in local clubs to earn a little money.

Longhouse Restaurant

The Longhouse Restaurant is run by Red Nations Enterprises and offer New Age Cuisine to visitors of the resort on Lake Germaine. Type of Organization: Primary: Address: Description:

Mac, PattyJo

PattyJo Mac is a pseudonym for a Radio Germaine on-air personality. She is extremely private, and refuses to reveal her non-broadcast identity. There has been speculation in Wilbur County that she and her partner, Tsalagi Red, are a pair of well-known authors with ties to Germaine.

Marissa Charlebois-LaPlante

Marissa Charlebois-LaPlante is the owner of the Charlebois Hot Springs Resort, about 15 west of Germaine. She married Willie Walkingstick in 2000, and the couple have a daughter, Century June. Their home is in Germaine, but they manage the resort in Charlebois Springs during the tourist season, May through September. Birthplace: Parents: Partner: Children: Achievement:

McCoy Industries

McCoy Industries was founded by Harlan McCoy, a south Wilbur County organic farmer, who is the owner and CEO..

McCoy Junction

McCoy Junction, in southern Wilbur County is a seasonal home to migrant workers employed by the county’s agricultural businesses. McCoy Industries maintains several warehouses at the location. Back to Places Index | Back to Main Index