Category: Sweetland Novels

Main category for Sweetland.

Sister Korinna

Sister Korinna is a Teacher at Sainte-Magdalene Convent. She is a Templar who is recruited to the cause of The Mutualists. — Family: Return to Index

Sister Luz

Encyclopedia of the Convergence Sister Luz Sister Luz is a member of the Order of Eve (Teacher) in Sangre del Corazon. She is associated with the Mutualists. She is a spoke on The Concilio, and a colleague of Jessie Larivee. Sister Luz was born, Rowan O’Connell, in Sonoma, California. Her younger brother, Sean O’Connell, immigrated to Sweetland with her in 2038.

Sister Magda

Sister Magda is head Sophia from Esperanza. — Family: Return to Index

Sisters of Light

Sisters of Light (SOL) are a very conservative order within The Temple, which politically aligns itself with The Guardians of the Path. It is also known to contain members of the Chaosians and the fanatical Children of Ertfiil. Return to Index

Skyrmion-Book 1

Skyrmion, book one of The Sweetland Quartet Published in 2022, Rainy Nights Press Link to our book page

Society of Mutuality

Sometimes conflated with the Mutualists, the Society of Mutuality is an organization of scientists, originating in the Omi worlds, dedicated to inclusiveness and reinvigorating the Convergence. Like many of the deep organizations of the Convergence, its origins are lost in time. Back to Index

Sweetland Calendar

All twelve standard months are 28 days or four weeks long. Each season has a 3-day festival month occuring at the Solstices and Equinoxes, making the Sweetland year 348 days. The day is about 15 minutes shorter than an Earth day. 20 Sweetland years = 18.67 Earth Years = 6860 Sweetland days = 6789 Earth days Seasons, Months The calendar year begins on the spring equinox. Each season begins with a 3-day Festival Month when days and standard months are forgotten. Coincides with equinox / solstice. Each month begins on Primerdi (Monday). Spring (Primavera) Summer (Verano) Fall (Otoño) Winter (Invierno) Days of the week: A minority continue to use the old Earth languages for the weekdays. Where: Description:

Temple of the Eight Roots

Encyclopedia of the Convergence AKA The Temple The Temple, with the help of sympathetic scientists, is the organization which gave the D-Gate technology to the Bolivarian Alliance on Earth and established The Temple of New Life, their sister church. Religious Beliefs The Temple’s beliefs are gnostic in nature. The structure is a hierarchical matriarchy, with a pseudo-priest class, called the Order of Sofia. They profess to believe that all is illusion, and that the sheep must be led into the future. In practice, most are scientists and teachers. Political Tendency Politically, the Temple is on the left side of the spectrum, although there are conservative and reactionary factions, as well.

Texas Republic

Nueva California Popularly known as New Cali, Nueva California was founded in 2043 after a short War of Succession from the United States, See: Map of North America, 2055

The 2nd Rupture

A second historical rupture engineered to bring down the artificial Gates between Earth and Torzucan (the Convergence) in 2055, in order to protect Torzucan. Back to Index

The Concilio

Governing council of the Communities of Sweetland, located in Sangre del Corazon. It is housed in the Wheel, the capitol building. Thus, members of the Concilio are called Spokes. The Wheel Parties Involved: What Happened: Back to Index

The Convergence

The Convergence of a Thousand Worlds was the name given to the planets of the Memories by early explorers over ten millennia ago (as measured by the the rotation of the dead planet Ertfiil around its sun – the Convergence standard year) after the Time of Forgetting, when the ancient technology of the Memories was lost to common knowledge. The name has been shortened to the Convergence by current day citizens from the original hyperbolic title.  The Convergence is an alliance of six primary intelligent (related) species, spread out for hundreds of millennium over the galaxies of their home universe via the Memories, a “highway” system built by a much older species, now gone and forgotten. Now, there are sixty-three settled worlds in the Convergence, and nearly 200 more unexplored worlds connected by the Memories. Government Parliament: The Convergence is a confederacy of the sixty-three settled planets of the Memories. It’s parliament consists of two representatives from each planet, plus a representative…

The Crossroads Waystation

Encyclopedia of the Convergence The Crossroads Waystation A waystation and consulate at the main Axial on Torzucán. It is a small lodge near the south shore of Lake Adan’dohi, and is under the guidance of Aeiroh Juola, consulate of the Convergence. Entity: Dates: Details:

The Great Forest

Encyclopedia of the Convergence The Great Forest of Torzucán An enormous forest which covers over a third of the Continent of Sweetland. It is an integral part of The Memories, a technology from a long gone, and unknown, culture. Entity:

The Memories

An ancient, organic, quantum-DNA technology, also known as The Great Forest on Sweetland An ancient organic technology that ‘absorbs’ the worlds it connects, changing and improving the DNA of their inhabitants. It is like a rhizome, producing ‘copulas’ which are gateways between the planets. Few have the skill to navigate the ‘copulas’. The Memories connect the worlds of The Convergence. Type: Who: Where: When: What: