Category: Sweetland Novels

Main category for Sweetland.

Mount Ayeliyi

Encyclopedia of the Convergence Mount Ayeliyi Means, the place where our two halves meet. It is the highest peak in the Chemchemi ya Maisha Range. Entity: Dates: Details:


Refers to both a tendency and a specific organization: Society of Mutuality, a radical secular group, led by scientists, that seeks to rejuvenate the Convergence by encouraging and facilitating the integration of new cultures. They have a strong ethic of mutualism, and politically align themselves with the weaker outer planets. Willing to use extra-legal means, and violence in its opposition to the Guardians. Sometimes align with Autonomists. A close ally to the religious Temple of Eight Roots, also know as The Temple, also a mutualist group, although there are also reactionary Temple groups, such as the Children of Ertfiil. Back to Index

nar Anjahr

One of the six primary worlds of The Convergence. Description: nar Anjahr (lit: of the Creche of the Mother) is a world in The Convergence, one of the oldest, where many old powerful families originated. It is a temperate planet circling a yellow M-class star, about 15% larger than Earth. Because of its conservative, aristocratic nature, it is the home of many of the Guardians. Like Earth, it is a water world, about 65% ocean. The land is diverse and abundant with a slightly larger temperate zone than Earth. Much of the land has been terraformed, and there are many large cities. The polity and economy are fairly democratic, but there are ancient aristocratic families who cling to old privileged entitlements. The House of Djeneh (nar Djeneh) is one of the most powerful of these. A very conservative, aristocratic world. Family structure is matrilineal and based on polyamorous creches where…

New America Territory

Territory of Torzucan (Sweetland) controlled by the New America Corporation. Its capitol is Miglia, and its major city is Columbiana. Return to Index

New Columbia

Nueva California Popularly known as New Cali, Nueva California was founded in 2043 after a short War of Succession from the United States, See: Map of North America, 2055

New Columbia River

The main river flowing through New America. Major cities on the river are Columbiana and Port Harvest.

New Life

New Life An immersive metaverse on the web.

Nueva California

Nueva California Popularly known as New Cali, Nueva California was founded in 2043 after a short War of Succession from the United States, See: Map of North America, 2055


Nueva California Popularly known as New Cali, Nueva California was founded in 2043 after a short War of Succession from the United States, See: Map of North America, 2055

Omi Planets

The major planets of the Omi universe are: Cyz, Keefnaz, Ryzan. Omi planets are in Unity-6, or the Seventh Root, according to mythology. Cyz Along with Moornal and nar Anjahr, one of the three oldest planets of the Convergence. Its largest city is its capital, Gahnu. Much more liberal than the other two, Cyz is said to be where the radical Mutualists originated. These three worlds are rivals and produce many of the leaders of the Authority, coloring its complexion. Original people are the Omi. Ryzan Ryzan is the home world of Dr Gahneer Va. It is the origin place of the Society of Mutuality, and the scientific institutions that are the most technologically advanced in the Convergence. It’s capital city is Guiaznar. Keefnaz The smallest of the major Omi planets, Keefnaz is home to several prominent figures in the Authority. Outer Planets of the Omi Outer Worlds are Torzucan, Pizucan, and…

Order of Eve

Order of Eve Educators. The third rank in the hierarchy of The Temple.

Order of Magdalene

Order of Magdalene The fourth rank in The Temple is the magdalenes. They are associated with health and care-giving. Their robes are blue.

Order of Zoë

Order of Zoë The order of science. The second order in the hierarchy of The Temple.

Pe’wan’skiili Planets

The major planets of the Pe’wan’skiili universe are: Mahdiil and Gurmahdiil. They are located in Unity-5, or the Sixth Root, according to mythology. Mahdiil Home of Aeiroh Juola, Mahdiil is also a very old world, densely populated, but newer to the Convergence than the others. Culturally, its people tend to be shy and inquisitive. It is an intellectual center and a major hub of the Convergence.  It tends to produce a lot of Travelers. The Pe’wan’skiili (the people) are the original inhabitants. Gurmahdiil The smaller of the two major Pe’wan’skiili planets, Gurmahdiil is urban and is home to many diplomats and bureaucrats in the Convergence. Outer Planets of the Pe’wan’skiili Outer Worlds are Li Skiili, Rangel. See also: Planets of the Convergence (chart) Return to Index


Pizucan is a tertiary Omi world, inhabited by the San-Omi, who are shorter and darker skinned that the Vis-Omi. They are the original inhabitants of Cyz, Ryzan, Torzucan, Pizucan, and Vizucan. Pizucan is a heavily forested planet, with about a billion inhabitants. Culture Pizucani are culturally Omi. Where: Principle: Description: Return to Index