Category: Sweetland Novels

Main category for Sweetland.

Aeiroh Juola

Encyclopedia of the Convergence Consul Aeiroh Juola Aeiroh Juola is the Consul and Waykeeper on Torzucan (Sweetland), sent to monitor the progress of the newcomers from Earth. The Waystation, also called The Crossroads, is situated on Lake Adan’dohi, in the Chemchemi Range, between the rival Earth settlements, about two kilometers from the interplanetary copula. She has been Waykeeper for about 20 years and was previously an educator before joining the Convergence diplomatic corps. She keeps an eye on the Guardian and Mutualist factions and has dossiers on all the Travelers. She submits monthly reports to her consul committee (a division of the Authority) that contain any events of note or areas of concern.  Juola is aware that war on Torzucan could lead to destroying the inhabitants. Instructing Molly is outside of her role as Innkeeper as is interfering in any way with local politics. Her role is to observe and report,…

Allison Marquam

Joe Larivee’s old friend and lover. They became a couple during the time of the First Continental War.


One of six principle humanoid species/cultures of The Convergence. They are the main inhabitants of nar Anjahr, Laas, and the planets of the Outer Alliance, Laasent, Blan, and Dorf. The term also refers to the primary language and culture of the Anjahri people. Home: Description: Back to Index

Anjahri Planets

The major planets of the Anjahri universe are: nar Anjahr and Laas. They are located in Unity-2, or the Third Root, according to mythology. nar Anjahr Nar Anjahr is a planet in Unity-2 (U2). It is one of the six inner planets of the Convergence, and one of the early worlds to emerge from the Time of Forgetting. nar Anjahr (lit: of the Creche of the Mother) is a world in the Convergence, one of the oldest, where many old powerful families originated. It is a temperate planet circling a yellow M-class star, about 15% larger than Earth. Because of its conservative, aristocratic nature, it is the home of many of the Guardians. Laas Laas is a poorer sibling of the Anjahri culture. It is smaller than nar Anjahr, and circles a red dwarf. Outer Planets of the Anjahri Outer Worlds are Laasent, Blan, and Dorf. These planets are at the…

Antwon Roget

Antwon Roget Antwon is a Born and something of a rebellious hothead. — Family: Parents: Achievement:

Anya Dorena Kerenskaya

Joe Larivee’s old social worker colleague and friend, love partner of Samantha Roberge.

Bolivarian Republic of Mexico

Bolivarian Republic of Mexico Popularly known as simply Mexico, founded in 2036. During the Civil War to the north, areas of southern Texas seceeded and joined Mexico. See: Map of North America, 2055

Bridge Whitedeer

Bridge Whitedeer Bridge is a hacker and detective on New Life, a life-simulation program on the web. She is 22-years-old at the beginning of the series, She is Joe Larivee’s lover and the mother of Molly Whitedeer. Bridge appears in all four books of The Sweetland Quartet.

Brother Althus

Brother Althus is a Guardian on Torzucan. His birth name is Kahjeh roh Djeneh.

Brother Bernard

Brother Bernard is a Guardian on Earth. His birth name is Jovijh roh Djeneh. Return to Index


Canada Canada See: Map of North America, 2055


Major characters in the Sweetland novels  Skyrmion Main Characters: Secondary Characters: Degrees of Freedom Main Characters: Secondary Characters: Entanglement Main Characters: Secondary Characters: The Uncertainty Principle Main Characters: Secondary Characters:

Chemchemi ya Maisha

Encyclopedia of the Convergence Chemchemi ya Maisha Mountain range that divides the contintent of Sweetland. It means “Springs of Life” in Swahili. The highest peak is Mount Ayeliyi. Entity: Dates: Details:

Children of Ertfiil

A religious organization, based in the Pe’wan’skiili and Omi worlds, which believes that the destroyed civilization in the Mother Root of Ertfiil are the progenitors of all hominid cultures. Like The Temple of the Eighth Root, they believe that Earth is the lost culture, the Eighth Root, but that it is the cause of the Great Catastrophe, which led to The Time of Forgetting. Political Tendency Politically, The Children of Ertfiil are reactionary and most aligned with The Guardians of the Path and other isolationists. This reactionary isolationist faction believes the 15 inner worlds are superior and should not concern themselves with the affairs of the outer worlds, and not allow those inferior Peoples a voice in the Convergence. Not adverse to violence. They sometimes align with the Autonomists over specific goals. Most animosity toward the Mutualists. Many religious fanatics in this faction believe that Ertfill is the sole origin…


Encyclopedia of the Convergence The largest city on Torzucán, it is on the confluence of the Pecos River and the Columbiana.

Congress of Unity

After the Time of Forgetting, the Congress of Unity forged The Convergence of a Thousand Worlds. Parties Involved: What Happened: Back to Index

Diplomatic Academy

Often called simply, The Academy. Principle academy for diplomats and police sciences for the Convergence, located in Rocon, Moornal, the capital city of the Convergence. Back to Index