Festivals of Sweetland
The seasonal festivals celebrated in the Communities are Primavera, Verano, Otoño, and Invierno. They are three day holidays ending in the equinox/solstice. The short festivals are outside of the normal calendar, Mid-season celebrations in the sixth week of the season include Blossom Week, First Harvest, Gathering Week, Hearth Week. Festival of Primavera (spring equinox) A 3-day Festival Month (see Sweetland Calendar). AKA Festival of New Life. The equinox falls on Primavera 3. Blossom Week Mid-spring celebration is the third week of Segundœmés. Festival of Verano (summer solstice) A 3-day Festival Month. AKA Midsummer Festival. First Harvest Celebration of first summer harvest. Festival of Otoño (autumn equinox) A three-day festival ending in the autumn equinox. AKA Harvest Festival Gathering Week Celebration of mid-fall in the sixth week of Otoño. Festival of Invierno (winter solstice) A Festival Month. AKA Two Moons Festival Hearth Week The sixth week of winter celebration. Back to…