Category: Biographies

Aeiroh Juola

Encyclopedia of the Convergence Consul Aeiroh Juola Aeiroh Juola is the Consul and Waykeeper on Torzucan (Sweetland), sent to monitor the progress of the newcomers from Earth. The Waystation, also called The Crossroads, is situated on Lake Adan’dohi, in the Chemchemi Range, between the rival Earth settlements, about two kilometers from the interplanetary copula. She has been Waykeeper for about 20 years and was previously an educator before joining the Convergence diplomatic corps. She keeps an eye on the Guardian and Mutualist factions and has dossiers on all the Travelers. She submits monthly reports to her consul committee (a division of the Authority) that contain any events of note or areas of concern.  Juola is aware that war on Torzucan could lead to destroying the inhabitants. Instructing Molly is outside of her role as Innkeeper as is interfering in any way with local politics. Her role is to observe and report,…

Allison Marquam

Joe Larivee’s old friend and lover. They became a couple during the time of the First Continental War.

Antwon Roget

Antwon Roget Antwon is a Born and something of a rebellious hothead. — Family: Parents: Achievement:

Anya Dorena Kerenskaya

Joe Larivee’s old social worker colleague and friend, love partner of Samantha Roberge.

Bridge Whitedeer

Bridge Whitedeer Bridge is a hacker and detective on New Life, a life-simulation program on the web. She is 22-years-old at the beginning of the series, She is Joe Larivee’s lover and the mother of Molly Whitedeer. Bridge appears in all four books of The Sweetland Quartet.

Brother Althus

Brother Althus is a Guardian on Torzucan. His birth name is Kahjeh roh Djeneh.

Brother Bernard

Brother Bernard is a Guardian on Earth. His birth name is Jovijh roh Djeneh. Return to Index


Major characters in the Sweetland novels  Skyrmion Main Characters: Secondary Characters: Degrees of Freedom Main Characters: Secondary Characters: Entanglement Main Characters: Secondary Characters: The Uncertainty Principle Main Characters: Secondary Characters:

Hannah Caracoles

One of Molly Whitedeer’s cohorts in Meadow Springs. Becomes a resistance fighter. — Family: Parents: Achievement:

Isaac Waggoner

A young Quaker boy who helps Molly escape, and later is forced in the New America army, where he continues to resist. Return to Index

Jessie Larivee

Jessie is a main protaganist in the Sweetland Quartet. She was born in Portland, Oregon in 2024 to Joe Larivee and Jolene Cheng. — Family: Parents: Achievement:

Joe Larivee

Joe Larivee is a main protagonist and appears in all four novels.

Joey Larivee-Boulé

Joey Larivee-Boulé Son of Jessie Larivee and nephew of Molly Whitedeer, Joey appears in books two and three of the Sweetland Quartet. — Family: Parents: Achievement:

Jolene Cheng

Jolene is a primary antagonist in the novels. She is the former spouse of Joe Larivee, and the mother of Jessie Larivee. — Family: Parents: Achievement: Back to Index

Jovijh roh Djeneh

Also known as: Brother Bernard. Jovijh is a Guardian from nar Anjahr, a pivitol character in Degrees of Freedom. He is a son of the powerful roh Djeneh family, trained at the Academy in Rocon, Moornal. He was once a partner to fellow Anjahri, Mojhdleh roh Sejh and Ren nar Kahj. — Family: Parents: Achievement: Back to Index

Kahjeh roh Djeneh

Kahjeh is a Guardian from nar Anjahr, a pivitol character in Degrees of Freedom. He is a son of the powerful roh Djeneh family, trained in Observation Sciences at the Diplomatic Academy in Rocon, Moornal, following in the footsteps of his brother, Jovijh roh Djeneh. Brother Althus Under his Temple name, Brother Althus, Kahjeh has become a major strategic advisor to Jolene Cheng. Back to Index

Maige Roget

Encyclopedia of the Convergence Maige Roget Maige is a close friend of Molly Whitedeer and Raoul Adair. She is a secondary character in Degrees of Freedom (and will likely play a role in the final novel). — Family: Parents: Achievement: