The Germaine Truth — Sunday, November 28, 2004
- FBI Hunt Continues in Montana
- Letters to the Editor
- Madam Zorro still on vacation
FBI Hunt Continues in Montana
Arlingtons still missing
by Jody Hopper
“They’re out there somewhere and we’ll do everything in our power to find them and bring them home.” Those were the words of Agent Evan Todd just before he and three other FBI agents climbed aboard a helicopter at the Prineville Airport.
But an extensive search of the Ochoco and Malheur Forests yielded no clues. It was not until a tip came in from an alert citizen in Nampa, Idaho that Agent Todd moved the search beyond Eastern Oregon, across Idaho and into Montana.
“The fear is that they may be in Canada by now and it will be rough going if they have to search up there,” Sheriff Sweet said.
The Truth has been in frequent contact with Sweet since the Arlingtons were abducted and he has passed on the communiques he receives from Agent Todd.
Though the identity of the person in Nampa whose tip sent the FBI toward Montana is unknown, Sheriff Sweet maintains that the information given by the tipster can be trusted because the FBI is convinced that the tipster did indeed see and speak with the abductor.
It is believed that the Arlingtons were alive as late as yesterday when the Nampa citizen pumped gas into the abductor’s Humvee. He told Agent Todd that a couple who appeared to be about 60 years old were in the back seat of the vehicle and”something didn’t look right.”
Letters to the Editor
Opinion Nonsense
Re Lucille Charlebois-LaPlante’s opinion nonsense and the health board’s pathetic response.
I am appalled and dismayed. Are you not contemplating commerce wth the devil here? Cubans, in case you have forgotten the Bay of Pigs, are COMMUNISTS! United States Citizens are forbidden to trade with Cuba. There is a reason for that. We’ve got to halt the spread of COMMUNISIM.
Have you no love for your country? For Democracy? Next you’ll suggest we ask Osama Bin Laden for advice on how to halt the spread of terrorism. May God have mercy on your souls.
– Geena McCoy Rawlins
The Stars Over Germaine
Cynthea McCoy is still on vacation. Madam Zorro will return for the new year.