We are Seven Wagons

    A new family joined us, and now there are seven wagons in our little company and 26 people. 

    1. Papa’s wagon with Mama, me and Annabelle. 

    2. Uncle Luke and Aunt Marie’s wagon which has Grandma and Grandpa, although they sometimes ride with us. Also little Luke and Josephine, and Aunt Marie’s brother, Jean. 

    3. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford, with Celia and Tommy. 

    4. Sally McCoy, a widow woman, and her son Liam, who is 15.

    5. The Hedricks, with Peter, Barbara, and Eva.

    6. Will Applegate.

    7. Mr. and Mrs. Pembrook and their daughter Nancy. This is the newest family. Mrs. Pembrook is pregnant, like Mama.

    Mama thinks that Papa filled Mr. Pembrook’s head with unnecessary, fearful notions about the Indians we will meet, and she reprimanded him in a sharp tone after the meeting.

    We traveled 11 miles today.