Molly Whitedeer

    Born in Meadow Springs, the Communities of Sweetland, in Y-3. She is a precoscious reader and has consumed all of the books from Earth available in the village library.

    The Sweetland Quartet

    Molly is a main character in the Sweetland Quartet, although she does not appear in Skyrmion. At the beginning of Degrees of Freedom she is 13-years-old, and at the end of the quartet, she is 17.

    Molly Whitedeer
    Molly at age 13

    Molly Whitedeer

    • Y2, Meadow Springs, Communities of Sweetland
    • Parents: Joe Larivee and Bridge Whitedeer
      • Characteristics:
      • Height and Weight: 60 kg (132lbs)
      • Hair Color and Style: dark brown, almost black
      • Eye Color: dark brown
      • Roots: French / Native American (Skagit) / Irish