Children of Ertfiil

    A religious organization, based in the Pe’wan’skiili and Omi worlds, which believes that the destroyed civilization in the Mother Root of Ertfiil are the progenitors of all hominid cultures. Like The Temple of the Eighth Root, they believe that Earth is the lost culture, the Eighth Root, but that it is the cause of the Great Catastrophe, which led to The Time of Forgetting.

    Political Tendency

    Politically, The Children of Ertfiil are reactionary and most aligned with The Guardians of the Path and other isolationists.

    This reactionary isolationist faction believes the 15 inner worlds are superior and should not concern themselves with the affairs of the outer worlds, and not allow those inferior Peoples a voice in the Convergence. Not adverse to violence. They sometimes align with the Autonomists over specific goals. Most animosity toward the Mutualists.

    Many religious fanatics in this faction believe that Ertfill is the sole origin of all people. Political Tendency: Far Right.

    Children of Ertfiil