Category: Sweetland Novels

Main category for Sweetland.

The Unities

Connected by the organic technology known as the Memories, the Unities are believed by scientists to be bubble universes within the multiverse. They have garnered a complex religious mythology, as well. Mythology of the Unities According to myth, the ancient race of the Ertfiil are responsible for the creation of the Memories. Technology of the Memories Created by an ancient, forgotten civilization, the Memories are a bio-engineered rhyzomatic organism with roots capable of spreading to alternate dimensions, called Unities. There are eight known Unities, seven of which have been seeded with the mutual descendants of the genus, homo. Peoples of the Eight Unities: homo ysali homo anjahri homo qrei homo tongrari homo skiili homo omi homo humanis The Eight Unities Unity (or Root) Primary Planet/Culture Secondary Planets Outer Planets Unity 1 (Primary Root/Mother Root) Ertfill / Uninhabited Unknown Unknown Unity 2 (2nd Root) Ysal / Ysali Moornal, Yaanaan Vizucan, Kip…

The Verge

The Verge, a Carlee Morgan-Hicks book

Time of Forgetting

According to myth, the diverse species of the Convergence derives from the dead origin planet, Ertfiil, although it is so far in the past, before the Time of Forgetting, that no one really knows the truth. The mythologies also tell of other diverse origins for many of the outer worlds, although, due to the assimilating technology of the Memories, the actual cultural and DNA origins of these people are shrouded in mystery. The Memories and the paths between the worlds was re-discovered 10,000 years ago after the Time of Forgetting. Type: Who: Where: When:

Tongrari Planets

The major planets of the Tongrari universe are: Tongra and Barrash. They are located in Unity-4, or the Fifth Root, according to mythology. A very conservative people, usually allied with the Qrei and the Anjahri. Tongra One of the more conservative—some would say reactionary—worlds of The Convergence. Along with nar Anjahr, it is the origin of many Guardians. It’s people are the Tongrari.  Barrash Barrash is a larger, tropical world. Heavily populated. Outer Planets of the Tangrari Outer Worlds are Knesh, Gyö. See also: Planets of the Convergence (chart) Return to Index


Also know as Sweetland. A planet on the periphery of The Convergence. Recently settled by humans, it is located in the universe designated, Unity-7, or Root 7 by the mystics. See Convergence. Where: Principle: Demographics: Description: Return to Index

Traveler Karim

Brother Karim is a Templar and a Traveler. He is a member of the Mutualists, and organizes allies within the Communities and the Temple. He became a Traveler after emigrating from Earth to Sweetland. He is at the Guide level – can travel alone, can guide an apprentice, but has limited knowledge of the network. He was born in Chad and his family fled to Algeria when he was a child. He spent many years in a refugee camp in Algeria. — Family: Return to Index

Travelers of Eckhau

Order of The Temple to which many Travelers belong. Politically, it is aligned with Mutualists and Autonomists, and contains many Travelers from the Outer Planets, and the Travelers Guilds. Return to Index


Tsalagihi is in the homeland of the Cherokee Nation, in what was once Eastern Oklahoma and parts of Arkansas. It’s capital is Tahlequah. Culture After the Second Continental War, the United Tribes of Oklahoma invited all native tribal members from all tribes to apply for citizenship. The culture is inter-tribal. See: North America, 2055. Return to Index

United States

United States of America Popularly known as The U.S., founded in 1776, its current borders are a fraction of the original nation, See: Map of North America, 2055

Upper Settlements

One of six administrative regions of the Communities of Sweetland, the Upper Settlements are situated along the Muddy Red River in the southernmost foothills of the Communities. Communities of the Upper Settlements Geography All of the settlement are situated at the edge of the Great Forest near the Muddy Red. The areas to the west are largely unexplored. The coastal hills to the East contain several of the smallest settlements, including Evo, Geronimo, Utopia, and Peaceful Valley. Economy Agrarian pursuits, such as farming, food production, and related technology, comprise the largest sector of the economy of the Upper Settlements. Universities The largest university in the region is Sweetland Institute in Deepwater, with emphasis on science, technology, and the arts. Echota University is the second largest institution, with nearly 1000 students. It has strong programs in Archeology, Ecology, and Earth Studies. Details: Where:

Vasi Sra

Vasi Sra is a young Omi Guide from Vizucán who befriends Molly Whitedeer. Vasi is a farm girl, raised in a communal family, who left to join the Travelers and see the Convergence and has taken a courier job with Xelun Bés-la, delivering supplies and messages to neighboring worlds. She is a secondary character in Degrees of Freedom (and will likely play a further role in the final two novels).

Violette Aubrac

One of the young rebels Jessie Larivee befriends in the forest, she is also a singer and songwriter with Enfants des Lunes, a band Molly Whitedeer and her friends meet at the Festival of Verano. The Struggle for Sweetland Vi Aubrac played an heroic role in the Struggle for Sweetland, and helped gained independence from the New America Corporation occupation of the Communities of Sweetland. Return to Index


Vizucan is a tertiary Omi world, inhabited by the Viz-Omi, who are taller and lighter skinned that the San-Omi, the original inhabitants of Cyz, Ryzan, Pizucan, and Torzucan. The Viz-Omi are heavily inter-mixed with the Ysal peoples, thus their lighter skin and characteristic difference. Vizucan is a small agricultural planet, inhabited by less than 10 million people. Culture Although genetically mixed, Vizucani are culturally Omi. Where: Principle: Description: Return to Index

Xelun Bés-la

Xelun Bés-la operates a logistics company based in Ryzan, an Omi world. She has one employee, Vasi Sra. She currently supplies the waystation in Torzucan and a few obscure outer worlds, but has ambitions to supply most of the consulates in the Omi and Ysal worlds. — Family: Parents: Achievement: Return to Index

Ysali Planets

The major planets of the Ysali universe are: Ysal, Moornal, and Yaanaan . Populated by the Ysal people, they are located in the Unity-1, or the Second Root, according to mythology. The Ysali are among the more socially liberal systems. Moornal A very urban, heavily populated world. Like nar Anjahr, one of the oldest worlds in the Convergence. It’s capitol city of Rocon is center of the Authority, a sort of United Nations of the Convergence. It’s original people are the Ysal, and it is their primary home. Yaanaan The smallest of the major Ysal planets, Yaanaan is urban and is connected to Torzucan via the outer world of Vizucan. Ysal The planet Ysal is the last of the Ysali worlds to be settled. While physically larger than Yaanaan, it is more agricultural. Outer Planets of the Ysali Outer Worlds are Kip, Shondeu. See also: Planets of the Convergence (chart) Return…

Zalas Cree

Zalas Cree is a young Metis from Alberta, son of a Polish father and French/Cree mother. He has a wife and daughter back on Earth, and he’s come to Sweetland to make good money from bauxite mining, sending a portion back home every month. He’s lived in New America for only a year, but suspect that he will not be allowed to return home again. — Family: Return to Index