Category: Sweetland Novels

Main category for Sweetland.

Eastern Coastal Forest

Encyclopedia of the Convergence Eastern Coastal Forest A coastal forest in the far southeast of the Continent of Sweetland.

Enfants des Lunes

Encyclopedia of the Convergence Enfants des Lunes Children of the Moons, has two related meanings. Musical Group It is the name of a band from the Communities, formed by Violette “Vi” Aubrac and other young Borns. They traveled to the various festival to perform. Rebel Group The name of a rebel group fighting for the freedom of the Communities, also led by the same young Borns.


Ertfiil is a desert planet which contains the so-called “Mother Root” of The Memories. According to mythology, it is the First Root. It’s universe is officially designated Unity-0. Except for Society of Mutuality research facilities, it is uninhabited. Return to Index


Largest city in The Communities of Sweetland. It is known for its science university and highly-educated population. It is also a center for the Temple on Torzucán.

Festivals of Sweetland

The seasonal festivals celebrated in the Communities are Primavera, Verano, Otoño, and Invierno. They are three day holidays ending in the equinox/solstice. The short festivals are outside of the normal calendar, Mid-season celebrations in the sixth week of the season include Blossom Week, First Harvest, Gathering Week, Hearth Week. Festival of Primavera (spring equinox) A 3-day Festival Month (see Sweetland Calendar). AKA Festival of New Life. The equinox falls on Primavera 3. Blossom Week Mid-spring celebration is the third week of Segundœmés. Festival of Verano (summer solstice) A 3-day Festival Month. AKA Midsummer Festival. First Harvest Celebration of first summer harvest. Festival of Otoño (autumn equinox) A three-day festival ending in the autumn equinox. AKA Harvest Festival Gathering Week Celebration of mid-fall in the sixth week of Otoño. Festival of Invierno (winter solstice) A Festival Month. AKA Two Moons Festival Hearth Week The sixth week of winter celebration. Back to…

First Continental War

The First Continental War began with an act of sabotage, called the Rupture, in early November, 2038 and lasted for 3 years, until March 2041. It is the precipitating event for the immigration to Sweetland. The two continental wars in North America reconfigured the nations of the continent between 2038 and 2046. See map, North America, 2055.

Flora and Fauna of Sweetland

Initial Observations of Flora and Fauna on Sweetland in Meadow Springs and Surroundings (Lower Forest Biome) Y8-10 Note: This is a very preliminary report based on observations by Jessie Larivee, Ecologist at Meadow Springs for the College of the Upper Settlements, Echota. These are not meant to be definitive categories, just organizational. “Taxons” may be possible clades, but I will leave the categorization to better-trained minds.  Flora * Habitat Taxons: meadow; riparian; forest; understory. aquatic. Clade Taxons: flowering; tree-like; shrub-like; grass-like; succulent; fungi-like. Epiderm Taxons: spongy-epiderm; woody-epiderm; fibrous-epiderm; bulbous. Reproduction: rhizome; fruit-bearing; spore-bearing.  *Please keep in mind: these taxons are all based on categories from Earth. How relevant are they? Needs much refinement. Common Name Taxons Notes Creepy Karen forest, understory, rhizome, fibrous, carnivorous?? not edible, ground-cover, grows rapidly overnight and seems to breakdown decaying matter, inc dead. Sweet Mystol  forest, tree-like, fruit-bearing, woody-epiderm edible – fruit. Mushroom Tree forest,…

Free Cascadia

Free Cascadia is a free socialist state based on the Cascadia Bioregion. It’s capital was originally meant to be in Seattle, but after the devastating earthquake of March, 2041 it was established instead at Portland, Oregon. Culture

Free City

Free City is an independent city-state in North America, Earth. Formerly greater Saint Louis. Founded between the two Continental Wars to ensure unfettered trade along the Mississippi River. Culture Free City as a libertarian government, free-for-all ethic, and is a favorite location for predatory capitalism. Earth home of New America Corporation. Return to Index


Glossaries of terms used in the Sweetland Quartet Terms introduced in Skyrmion Terms introduced in Degrees of Freedom

Great Plains

Nueva California Popularly known as New Cali, Nueva California was founded in 2043 after a short War of Succession from the United States, See: Map of North America, 2055

Guardians of the Path

A radical conservative group with muliple tendencies, that are exclusionary and protective of The Convergence, and willing to use violence to meet their ends. Often isolationist or “patriotic” in its perspective. Back to Index

Hannah Caracoles

One of Molly Whitedeer’s cohorts in Meadow Springs. Becomes a resistance fighter. — Family: Parents: Achievement:


Heartland Heartland was founded in 2046 after a short War of Succession from the United States, See: Map of North America, 2055

Humani Planets

The major planets of the Humani (Human) universe are: Earth and Serein. They are located in Unity-7, or the Eighth Root, according to mythology. Earth The major planet of the Human people, population about 9 billion. Earth has recently reconnected to The Memories. Serein Another lost planet connected to Earth by the Memories, according to legend. Like Earth, Serein was severed from the Convergence prior to the Time of Forgetting. Outer Planets of the Humans Outer Worlds are unknown. See also: Planets of the Convergence (chart) Return to Index

Isaac Waggoner

A young Quaker boy who helps Molly escape, and later is forced in the New America army, where he continues to resist. Return to Index