Category: Sweetland Institutions

Enfants des Lunes

Encyclopedia of the Convergence Enfants des Lunes Children of the Moons, has two related meanings. Musical Group It is the name of a band from the Communities, formed by Violette “Vi” Aubrac and other young Borns. They traveled to the various festival to perform. Rebel Group The name of a rebel group fighting for the freedom of the Communities, also led by the same young Borns.

The Concilio

Governing council of the Communities of Sweetland, located in Sangre del Corazon. It is housed in the Wheel, the capitol building. Thus, members of the Concilio are called Spokes. The Wheel Parties Involved: What Happened: Back to Index

Travelers of Eckhau

Order of The Temple to which many Travelers belong. Politically, it is aligned with Mutualists and Autonomists, and contains many Travelers from the Outer Planets, and the Travelers Guilds. Return to Index