Category: Borns

Antwon Roget

Antwon Roget Antwon is a Born and something of a rebellious hothead. — Family: Parents: Achievement:

Hannah Caracoles

One of Molly Whitedeer’s cohorts in Meadow Springs. Becomes a resistance fighter. — Family: Parents: Achievement:

Isaac Waggoner

A young Quaker boy who helps Molly escape, and later is forced in the New America army, where he continues to resist. Return to Index

Joey Larivee-Boulé

Joey Larivee-Boulé Son of Jessie Larivee and nephew of Molly Whitedeer, Joey appears in books two and three of the Sweetland Quartet. — Family: Parents: Achievement:

Maige Roget

Encyclopedia of the Convergence Maige Roget Maige is a close friend of Molly Whitedeer and Raoul Adair. She is a secondary character in Degrees of Freedom (and will likely play a role in the final novel). — Family: Parents: Achievement:

Molly Whitedeer

Born in Meadow Springs, the Communities of Sweetland, in Y-3. She is a precoscious reader and has consumed all of the books from Earth available in the village library. The Sweetland Quartet Molly is a main character in the Sweetland Quartet, although she does not appear in Skyrmion. At the beginning of Degrees of Freedom she is 13-years-old, and at the end of the quartet, she is 17.

Raoul Adair

Raoul Adair is a close friend of Molly Whitedeer and Maige Roget. He is a secondary character in Degrees of Freedom (and will likely play a role in the final novel). — Family: Achievement: Role in Sweetland:

Violette Aubrac

One of the young rebels Jessie Larivee befriends in the forest, she is also a singer and songwriter with Enfants des Lunes, a band Molly Whitedeer and her friends meet at the Festival of Verano. The Struggle for Sweetland Vi Aubrac played an heroic role in the Struggle for Sweetland, and helped gained independence from the New America Corporation occupation of the Communities of Sweetland.