Category: Myths & Concepts

Legends, both local and Convergence-wide.


One of six principle humanoid species/cultures of The Convergence. They are the main inhabitants of nar Anjahr, Laas, and the planets of the Outer Alliance, Laasent, Blan, and Dorf. The term also refers to the primary language and culture of the Anjahri people. Home: Description: Back to Index


Refers to both a tendency and a specific organization: Society of Mutuality, a radical secular group, led by scientists, that seeks to rejuvenate the Convergence by encouraging and facilitating the integration of new cultures. They have a strong ethic of mutualism, and politically align themselves with the weaker outer planets. Willing to use extra-legal means, and violence in its opposition to the Guardians. Sometimes align with Autonomists. A close ally to the religious Temple of Eight Roots, also know as The Temple, also a mutualist group, although there are also reactionary Temple groups, such as the Children of Ertfiil. Back to Index


A disease caused by the technology used to transport humans to Sweetland. Type: Who: Where: When: What:

The Memories

An ancient, organic, quantum-DNA technology, also known as The Great Forest on Sweetland An ancient organic technology that ‘absorbs’ the worlds it connects, changing and improving the DNA of their inhabitants. It is like a rhizome, producing ‘copulas’ which are gateways between the planets. Few have the skill to navigate the ‘copulas’. The Memories connect the worlds of The Convergence. Type: Who: Where: When: What:

The Unities

Connected by the organic technology known as the Memories, the Unities are believed by scientists to be bubble universes within the multiverse. They have garnered a complex religious mythology, as well. Mythology of the Unities According to myth, the ancient race of the Ertfiil are responsible for the creation of the Memories. Technology of the Memories Created by an ancient, forgotten civilization, the Memories are a bio-engineered rhyzomatic organism with roots capable of spreading to alternate dimensions, called Unities. There are eight known Unities, seven of which have been seeded with the mutual descendants of the genus, homo. Peoples of the Eight Unities: homo ysali homo anjahri homo qrei homo tongrari homo skiili homo omi homo humanis The Eight Unities Unity (or Root) Primary Planet/Culture Secondary Planets Outer Planets Unity 1 (Primary Root/Mother Root) Ertfill / Uninhabited Unknown Unknown Unity 2 (2nd Root) Ysal / Ysali Moornal, Yaanaan Vizucan, Kip…

Time of Forgetting

According to myth, the diverse species of the Convergence derives from the dead origin planet, Ertfiil, although it is so far in the past, before the Time of Forgetting, that no one really knows the truth. The mythologies also tell of other diverse origins for many of the outer worlds, although, due to the assimilating technology of the Memories, the actual cultural and DNA origins of these people are shrouded in mystery. The Memories and the paths between the worlds was re-discovered 10,000 years ago after the Time of Forgetting. Type: Who: Where: When: