Ansel Johanssen Murder

    In February, 1913, Wobbly labor organizer Ansel Johanssen was shot and hung from a juniper tree. Johanssen had settled in Germaine a few years earlier with his wife and two children. He went to work at the Van Bibber Mill and soon became fed up with inequities he saw around him. When a Wobbly organizer passed through town in the summer of 1912, Ansel signed up, and immediately began organizing the other men at the mill.

    After a one-day strike in February of 1913, Isaac Vernon Van Bibber, owner of the mill, fired several men, including Johanssen. But Johanssen returned the next day and began agitating the remaining workers. He was driven off by armed security guards, but vowed to organize a protest the following week, backed up by an IWW group in Portland.

    Alarmed that the town was about to be overrun by “Anarchists” and “Criminals,” a group of local business owners dragged Johanssen from his home, where they shot him in front of his wife and children, and hung his body from a juniper tree in his front yard.

    No one was ever punished for the murder of Ansel Johanssen.

    Johanssen House
    Old Johanssen House

    Ansel Johanssen Murder

    Persons: VanBibber
    Location: Johanssen House, Germaine, Oregon