Dear friends, The time has come for another monthly newsletter. It’s been both a sad and a busy time for us. Duane’s nephew, Joe Poncy, passed away recently at a much-too-young age, and we attended a memorial service for him in Walla Walla on the 17th. He was a sweet and earnest young man and will be truly missed. While there, we were able to catch up with Duane’s family and the realization that family, for us, is important and not to be neglected. Patty is retiring in September, and we hope to visit more with both families. Duane has passed his fifty-percent goal on his new thriller / police procedural, The Verge. The Skyrmion ebook will be released officially on August 2nd. Please consider purchasing it, or if you already have it, giving it a review! Reviews are critical to authors, especially those of us who are trying to…