Category: Diary of Little Germaine

The diary of little Germaine. Part of the founding mythology.

To Oregon!

When the wagons began to move, and all of the cattle and the men on horseback, a great cloud filled the air and the sound grew to a terrible rumble, louder that the thunder from Wednesday night’s storm. Once we began to move, it seemed to quiet down a bit, but I still had to nearly shout at Annabelle and Mama to get them to hear me. I suppose I will get used to it. I do hope I do not become weary of this adventure. Only 5 miles on our first day.

One More Day Left

One more day until we are on our way. Papa and Uncle Luke have been busy securing our things in the wagon and making sure that the canvas is well-tied and the wheels greased and repaired. Mama and I finished packing up the salt-pork and smoked meat we have prepared.  It rained last night and Annabelle has been playing in the mud and being a nuisance. Mama says it is all my fault because I should have watched her more closely. Now I have to bathe her and the water will become too disgusting to bathe myself. Mama says I can go to the river and bathe, but the river is as black as Annabelle. Uncle Luke says that is why they call it The Big Muddy.

Three More Days

Three more days to go. This morning I helped Mama cook soft boiled eggs and cakes and we ate it with the maple syrup she brought all of the way from Vermont. She said that it might be the last time we have any if they don’t have maple trees in Oregon. That is my saddest thought, because the best thing I can remember from my childhood is warm boiled eggs, all gooey and covered with maple syrup. Mama insists that we will have eggs though, because there are a lot of hens among the emigrants. Papa and Mr. Bradford agreed to not argue anymore in front of the children, but I think they meant in front of Mama. We shall see how that goes.

We are Leaving Soon

Uncle Luke says that we will leave on Friday. I hope that this is so, because I am growing weary of this place and all of the quarreling among the adults. That is all for today, dear diary.