Will Gives Me a Compliment
Last night, we camped on the main fork of the Blue River. I was much too tuckered to write my diary, so I will try to remember about it. The traveling was pretty good both days, and the road was smoothe. Uncle Luke said that we are now about one day behind the Savannah Oregon Emigrating Company. Someone from that company talked to him, and asked if we would join them. Uncle Luke told Papa that they wanted too much money, and he was skeptical of their motives, but he would put it to the group. Later, in the evening, the company was divided as usual. They voted with Papa to stay by ourselves, at least for now. No clamor in the night, because Papa and Mr. Pembrook didn’t hang any pots and pans. Thank Heavens! The weather today was good, although, for a moment, it threatened to rain. Annabelle…