Category: The Applegate Trail

Follow the Applegate Trail

One Disaster to Another

by Susie Applegate I’ve just finished the story about the Budreau fire. It’s seven a.m. and I’ve been up since 3 ‘clock this morning, when Renee, the sheriff’s dispatcher, called me to tell me that the Old Arlington house was burning. I keep thinking about what Shaherazade said and the way the little ones just moved in close to their parents and had that look in their eyes like you see in the eyes of the depression photographs. A look of pain and resignation that should never be present in a child of eight like Shaherazade’s sister Salome, much less in Juliette who isn’t even two years old “I spent my whole life going from one disaster to another.” At least Shaherazade didn’t sound defeated when she said that. She sounded angry and I have to say, good for her.     Hugo Budreau kept talking about how thankful the…

Confrontation with Dad

Okay, ten weeks holed up in my apartment is over the top, even for a recluse like me. I was so pissed at my dad and mom for perpetuating this falsehood about the Arlingtons that I could hardly stand it! I don’t care if The Germaine Truth goes to hell if, in the end, it’s just a baby version of the California rag I left behind. For crying out loud, I will not sign some faustian contract with Satan for $500 a month and Mom’s tuna casserole. A girl’s got to have standards.  I just don’t get it. All my life I have been taught about journalistic integrity. It has been the foundation of my family culture. So what went wrong? I can understand The Washington Post or The Los Angeles Times, or any of the big corporate media swimming in millions of dollars of investors money. I can fathom…

The Unfortunate Incident

by Susie Applegate There is a disconnect in this town. On the one hand everyone acts like I should already know everything that took place in Germaine during all those years that I was not here and on the other hand, they seem to think I know nothing about Germaine at all. Even my own mother looks at me with absolute consternation when I ask her what happened to Susannah and Albert Arlington. As if I should know, by some special Germaine osmosis, all the details about the incident that everyone seems to know but no one will tell. And my father is no better with his oblique references to the “unfortunate incident” at the Restin’ Easy, in that article about the Patels renovating and reopening the motel.  The Restin’ Easy had been closed and boarded up for several months when I came back to Germaine. Mom and Dad said that…

My Small Obsession

by Susie Applegate Soon after I had returned to Germaine a few months ago, I began to delve into the local history as I had never desired to in my school days. Suddenly, these people, and this history had become a feverish fascination that led me to spend hours in the archives of city hall, and in the small Wilbur County Library next door.  It took me a while to realize that a hundred and fifty years of The Truth lay yellowing in Daddy’s basement, where I could access it 24/7. There was no need to disturb Mom and Dad, since the basement has an outside door, and Daddy was more than happy to give his only child a spare key. Still, after my first all nighter, Mama discovered me in the morning, fast asleep on a stack of newspaper.  “Susie,” she admonished, “your father, your grandfather, and your great…