EcoSurvival Village
In 2006, Planet Resist and EcoSurvival Village agreed to post their public archives on the library website for all Wilbur County residents to see and comment on. Here are the highlights:
Founding Statement from Planet Resist
Greetings. This is the first communication of Planet Resist to the people of the world. From the forested mountains on the left coast of the North American Empire, we clearly see the great damage which has been done in our name to our peoples, to our fellow creatures, and to the planet which we call our home. We see the ravages of war, the ecocidal destruction of our environment, and the hunger for change all around us. Here we are, in the belly of the great snake, living our lives of privilege and creative possibility, and we are awed by the responsibility that is ours to use that potential for the liberation, and thus survival, of our compañeros on this fragile earth.
What Are We to Do?
Like concerned people everywhere, there is confusion and disagreement among us about the best course to take. We have studied the struggles of our indigenous brothers and sisters in the Americas, in Chiapas, in Venezuela and Bolivia, and we have carefully pondered their significance to our own struggle for a just and inhabitable world. We have also studied the science, which is speaking out cautiously (and much too cautiously, we believe) about the danger facing us. And while we have not yet come to consensus on all questions, we have come to a grave and urgent conclusion. We must act. We must act with haste. All evidence before us points to disaster, unless the North American Empire is halted in its present course of enslaving the peoples of the world, devouring its natural resources, and polluting Mother Earth beyond repair. According to many scientists, we have less than a decade to change our ways or perish. In the words of Guy Dubard, “revolution or death” is the only choice left us. We must not succumb to the despair which cripples well-meaning people everywhere. We can and will change. It will not be easy, but we’re convinced that we must consciously move out of our comfortable lives, now. For this reason we have created EcoSurvival Village, here in the harsh climate of the Oregon High Desert, to sharpen our skills and harden our body and spirit.
We reject the Grand Dialogues of the 20th century, the marxisms and anarchisms and liberalisms, feminisms, nationalisms, and so on. Each of these contain pieces of truth, but none of them adequately address the present predicament of the 21st century. We must seek a new dialogue, a non-dogmatic, fluid, and adaptable strategy for survival. Centralized solutions and ideological dogmas are the agenda for failure. The study of cultures which have survived past cataclysmic geological change show they have one thing in common: adaptability. It is the nomadic societies, able to pull up stakes and move to better climates, which were successful in the long expanse of time. The structure of our village is based on the autonomous villages in Chiapas. Autonomy to us means that we do not recognize the authority of the state. We do, however, recognize its power. EcoSurvival Village is not Chiapas, where the villages are protected by the EZLN. We must co-exist with power, while trying to subvert it. Our struggle is not seperate from the struggles of our fellow citizens, and many of us live or work in surrounding communities. We believe the way forward is through study, analysis, and discussion leading to consensus of the community. When the community, or a sub-group of the community, believe they have reasonable plan, they will act on it. We do not require sub-groups to obtain consent from the community as a whole, unless their action puts the larger community at risk. In that case, consent is always required. When an action is carried out, it is then discussed to determine its effectiveness, and what could have been done differently for a better result. Theory leads to practice leads to analysis which refines theory.
Who Are We?
We are all who agree with our principles. We do not require a membership or a loyalty oath. We do not require that you live here, or that you even acknowledge us. Planet Resist is an idea. We are everywhere!
Seven Positive Principles of Planet Resist
- diversity in all things, social, economic, ecological and creative,
- democracy in all aspects of the political economy, including the workplace,
- autonomy of communities and individuals to act in concience, and to create their own destiny,
- walking lightly on the earth,
- basic human rights for all,
- social responsibility in our actions for the well-being of all, through mutual aid and community action, and
- poetry: all have a right to poetry and creativity in their lives.
Each of these principles will be explored further in future communiques. for the future, and bread and poetry for all.